Firstly, HELLO! After 18 months of hard graft, setbacks & perseverance, I finally have an online personal training platform allowing me to help you guys wherever you are in the world. And also a website in which I will be uploading weekly blogs & recipes in order to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Sam Jones Fitness

Four years ago I started personal training on the gym floor. My passion for exercise was initially brought around by wanting to improve my body shape. My nutritional knowledge, however, had a much deeper reasoning.

I was diagnosed with Colitis in 2011, aged 21. An irritable bowel disease that caused my immune system to attack and inflame the lining of my bowels (minging I know). This led me to lose two stone in two months. Suffering from chronic stomach pains and food passing straight through me.

After seeking the help of NHS dieticians, I was recommended a low protein, low fiber diet. My health declined even more. It was at this point my passion for nutrition began.

I realised I had to educate myself nutritionally, reading books, and articles online. Until gradually I started to see improvements in my health by implementing my new found knowledge into my life.

Although I will always be classed as having the disease, I have been off all medication and have shown no side effects for nearly two years! Ironically, I am doing many things the NHS dieticians told me not to do!


What Have I Learnt?

I have worked closely with many individuals to help them not just improve their body shape, but their overall health as well!

 A few things I have learned and implemented into my teaching are:

1.Structure is paramount – Like anything in life, we are destined to fail without structure. A progressive structure is one of the first things I give to all of my clients. Focussing on both nutrition, via calorie and protein targets specific to them, and exercise wise via workout templates.

2. Perfection isn’t required – Consistency, is what sees a client succeed, not perfection! For this reason, no food (or drink) is off the menu. Instead, an education of balance within their calorie and protein numbers.

3. Mindset – The importance of putting the onus on the individual. Helping them understand that contrary to belief – results take time. Educating them on how to incorporate exercise and correct nutrition into their daily routine, habitually.

4. Healthy eating alone doesn’t guarantee success – I’ve lost count how many times people who have been eating ‘healthy’ are baffled by their lack of results when they come to me. Eating nutrient dense food is essential for health. But body composition (how you physically look) is driven by having an understanding of your daily calorie and protein numbers in accordance to your body and goals.

5. Progression – Most people’s results plateau because they don’t know how to progress their workouts as their body changes. Your body has no need to keep changing if you don’t increase the stress placed on it via progressive workout routines.


Online Personal Training


The drive to help people all over the world is what drove me to bring my system online! I have guinea pigged my online client system for months now, and I can honestly say it offers all the structure, education and balance I preach to my gym floor clients.

As an online client, you will have your own online area that will include workout templates and exercise videos. All of which, will have been designed in response to the questionnaire you will have filled out. Your workouts and exercise videos will be progressed each month. You will walk into the gym knowing exactly what you are doing.

Nutritionally, you will be given a calorie and protein number that is specific to your body and your goals. You will also be educated on how to eat around these numbers by making use of the food tracking app, My Fitness Pal. You will be able to do all of this whilst still enjoying all of your favorite foods.

You will be able to contact me via Whats App. Let’s be clear this is not a generic plan that is being fired into your inbox. This is a very personal experience that mimics everything I do on the gym floor. With the help of a 25-page ebook I have written, you will know exactly what you’re doing both nutritionally and exercise wise. Each month you will be reviewed and progressed. Visit the membership page of my website for more information on becoming an online client!



The website itself is not just a place to advertise my online personal training. My weekly blogs and vlogs will also allow me to give you weekly snippets of knowledge. Please let me know of any subjects that you would like to be covered in them.

My priority is to help as many people as I can better themselves. I will always offer honest advice and my blog posts will span way beyond nutrition and exercise. Delving into areas such as positive thinking, leading a good life, and fulfilling our potential etc.

There will be weekly recipe ideas uploaded by me, and our in-house chef Vicky, as an added bonus! With a focus on quick, high protein meals. These can be found on the recipes page of my website.


Closing words

My excitement to move online and help more people cannot be overstated.
Visit the membership page of my website to become one of my online clients!

All shares and likes would be greatly appreciated as it will only help spread the word.

All the love,


Sam Jones Fitness





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